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If You Are Hoping to Improve Your Finances, Give These 3 Podcasts a Listen Right Now

Image for If You Are Hoping to Improve Your Finances, Give These 3 Podcasts a Listen Right Now

Believe it or not, podcasting is now considered to be a part of mainstream media. With marketing research firm, Nielsen, estimating a 20 percent compound growth rate, the number of people listening to podcasts is expected to double by 2023. And, for those interested in improving their financial situation, there are countless personal finance podcasts available on apps, such as Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, or through music streaming services, like Spotify and Amazon Music.

Whichever podcast you decide to listen to will depend largely upon your interests and preferred format, but here are 3 personal finance podcasts to get you started that have been on our radar:

"How to Money"

Listen for: Money advice and information geared toward Millennials.

Published as part of the iHeartPodcast Network, "How to Money" is a good choice for anyone who is trying to get a handle on their finances. Two Millennials, Joel Larsgaard, and Matthew Altmix, tackle issues, such as navigating credit scores, negotiating a higher paycheck, and more. Some shows, on the other hand, are dedicated to answering listener questions or hosting special guests. "How to Money" publishes multiple episodes a week, and most run between 30 to 60 minutes.

"Marriage, Kids, and Money"

Listen for: Financial content from a parent in the weeds.

Raising kids can add many obstacles to money management, and the "Marriage, Kids, and Money" podcast addresses many of the special challenges faced by parents. Host Andy Hill shares his own family’s experience in becoming debt-free and interviews others about their financial journeys. There are guest experts, who cover topics such as selecting the right retirement account to help kids become more money savvy. Episodes run from 20 to 50 minutes, and many shows feature multiple segments.

"Friends Talk Money"

Listen for: Retirement and financial planning advice for those age 50 and older.

While many of the best personal finance podcasts have a single host, "Friends Talk Money" brings together three nationally known personal finance experts: Pam Krueger, Rich Eisenberg, and Terry Savage. The trio tackles topics that are on the minds of those approaching retirement age, with episodes covering topics such as estate planning, retirement lifestyle choices, and even Medicare. The show is a PBS Next Avenue podcast, and most episodes run from 20 to 30 minutes.

Expand your mind with new ideas! No matter the topic, Augusta Commons Apartments in Marietta, Georgia is committed to informing you of the information that you want to know.

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